A three-manual, draw knob console with up to 58 stops. This instrument will support a large room and up to 750 congregants.
Choose your base stop list and voicing style and then add on any extras and accessories you desire. You can also choose from several console cabinet styles and wood species. All of our consoles are built to "pipe organ" standards and will last for generations.

Legacy Digital Organs
Stop Specifications
Legacy I - 58 Digital Stops
1. Contra Violone 16'
2. Principal 8'
3. Rohrflote 8'
4. Flûte Harmonique 8'
5. Octave 4'
6. Spitzflote 4'
7. Quint 2-2/3'
8. Super Octave 2'
9. Fourniture IV
10. Zimbel III
11. Cornet V
12. Trompete 8'
13. En Chamade 8'
Great 16'
Great 8'
Positiv (expressive)
31. Concert Flute 8'
32. Gedeckt Pommer 8'
33. Erzahler 8'
34. Erzahler Celeste 8'
35. Prinzipal 4'
36. Flute Traverse 4'
37. Nasard 2-2/3'
38. Octave 2'
39. Terzflote 1-3/5'
40. Zimbel IV
41. Cromorne 8'
42. En Chamade 8'
43. Zimbelstern
Choir 16'
Choir 4'
Unison Off
Swell (expressive)
14. Bourdon 16'
15. Principal 8'
16. Gedeckt 8'
17. Gamba 8'
18. Voix Celeste 8'
19. Prestant 4'
20. Cor de Nuit 4'
21. Nasard 2-2/3'
22. Octavin 2'
23. Tierce 1-3/5'
24. Sesquialtera II
25. Plein Jeu IV
26. Basson 16'
27. Trompette 8'
28. Voix Humaine 8'
29. Hautbois 8'
30. Clairon 4'
Swell 16'
Swell 4'
Unison Off
44. Contra Bourdon 32'
45. Principal 16'
46. Subbass 16'
47. Violone 16'
48. Octave 8'
49. Bourdon 8'
50. Gemshorn 8'
51. Choralbass 4'
52. Nachthorn 4'
53. Mixture IV
54. Contra Bombarde 32'
55. Bombarde 16'
56. Fagott 16'
57. Trompete 8'
58. Rohr Schalmei 4'